Conditions & Regulations of Letting


Bookings: email:


between the Drill Hall Sports Club (Enfield) Ltd., (hereafter to be known as the Company), and any users of this facility (hereafter known as the Hirer(s).)

Registered Office: 10 Slades Gardens, Enfield, Middx, EN2 7DR

Company Reg. No:- 3413460

Last updated 14 June 2024

1 Accommodation

(a) The Company reserves the right to decide the maximum number of persons who shall at any time be allowed in the accommodation and the decision of the Company shall be final.

(b) The accommodation shall be vacated by the hour agreed at the time of booking and left in a condition as set out under Clause 10 below. Where evening match play is in progress on a single court the Hirer agrees that when six rubbers have not been completed by 10 pm the remaining rubbers will be played to 21 thus ensuring that the Hall is vacant by the latest booking time of 11 pm.

2 Payment

Payment is made in advance for online bookings. Payments by Clubs which are invoiced must be made in accordance with the terms of the invoice.

Outstanding balances may be subject to interest charges at a rate deemed fair and reasonable by the Company.

3 Cancellation of Hiring

The Company shall be entitled summarily to cancel or suspend this Contract and shall not be liable to pay compensation to the Hirer for any loss or damage suffered, or to be suffered by them, as a result of cancellation:

if the sum is not paid within one calendar month of the due date, under Clause 2 hereof;
if the premises are required by the Company for tournaments, maintenance or other purposes;
if there is failure to comply with the Conditions and Regulations.

4 Surrender of Hiring

This Contract shall be terminable by either party giving one month’s notice in writing except as provided in Clause 3 above.

5 Damage, Loss and Accidents

The Hirer agrees to:

(a) defray the cost of making good any damage to the premises, or any damage to, or theft or loss of goods, chattels, apparatus or appliances in the premises during the period of, or arising as a result of, the function, and to pay on demand in writing such sum as may be certified by the Company to be the cost of making good such damage theft or loss;

(b) indemnify the Company and its officers and servants against all actions, expenses, claims, damage, penalties and demands arising out of, or in any way connected with, the letting;

(c) accept responsibility for suspending use of the badminton courts should the conditions be potentially injurious; the Drill Hall Sports Club (Enfield) Ltd taking no responsibility for injuries to players.

6 Loss etc. of property

Under no circumstances will the Company make good or accept responsibility for the loss, theft or damage of, or to, any goods or property of the Hirer or of any other person, left, deposited or brought into the premises or left or deposited with any office and servant of the Company, and the Hirer shall indemnify the Company and their officers and servants against all actions, expenses, claims, damages and demands arising out of or in any way connected with any such loss, theft or damage.

7 Maintenance of Good Order

The Hirer shall at all times be responsible for the maintenance of good order during the function and shall ensure that no undesirable or unauthorised person is knowingly permitted to enter, remain or otherwise make use of the accommodation and shall not use the premises for any illegal or immoral purpose nor in such manner as to cause a nuisance or annoyance to the owners or occupiers of adjoining or neighbouring property. Upon instructions from the Company the Hirer shall remove or cause to be removed any person from the accommodation hired.

8 Taxes, Royalties, etc.

The Hirer will be liable for, and must make arrangement for, the payment of taxes or of any royalties chargeable and payable in respect of the function and must take out any licence required with the Performing Rights Society Ltd. to cover the performance of musical works in the repertoire of the Society. This Licence must be available for inspection, if required, by the Company.

9 Excisable Catering

The Hirer shall not use the premises for sales by auction or sale of beer, wine, cider or spirits or other intoxicating liquors or allow members or any person to sell or supply, receive, store or bring for consumption, beer, wine, cider or spirits or any intoxicating liquors except under the authority of the Company.

10 Responsibilities

The Hirer is responsible for leaving the Hall and/or Archery Range and/or Meeting Room:

in a locked and secure condition;
for extinguishing all electrical appliances;
for returning keys to the external key-safe by the front door and in a locked state;
in a clean and tidy condition.

11 Observance of Conditions, Regulations etc.

The Hirer hereby undertakes with the Company:

(a) at their own cost strictly to observe and perform:

(i) all relevant statutory provisions and regulations;

(ii) the provisions of the Contract;

(iii) all instructions given to them by the Company under or in pursuance of the terms of this Contract.

(b) to indemnify and save harmless the Company its officers and servants from all actions, expenses, claims, damages, penalties and demands which they may incur in consequence of any breach of or default or negligence in the performance of any such provisions, regulations, conditions or instructions.

12 Limit of Number Attending

The Hirer shall not permit the numbers attending to exceed the number laid down by the Company.

13 Right of Entry

The Company reserve to the Secretary, and such other person as may be authorised in writing, the right of free and unimpeded entry at all times to the accommodation, and instructions must be given accordingly by the Hirer.

14 Prevention of use of the Accommodation

The Company will not be responsible for any loss or damage suffered by the Hirer in the event of the accommodation not being available by reason of accident, war, civil commotions, force majeure, strike, lock-out or other like cause. The Company may however in such event, without admitting any legal obligation to do so, return all or part of the charges paid by the Hirer. The decision of the Company shall be final and binding on the Hirer.

15 Protection of playing surface

The Hirer further undertakes at all times to ensure that:

(a) those playing badminton or pickleball or taking part in any other activity on the courts are wearing approved playing shoes; or those specifically dedicated to indoor sports use (i.e. with non-marking soles), the Company reserves the right to remove any individual found not wearing appropriate footwear without refund;

(b) any persons entering the hall, for the purpose of playing badminton, pickleball or taking part in any other activity on the courts are not wearing outdoor shoes, to prevent dirt and grit, which may damage the courts being trodden in from outside.

16 Storage of bags etc.

Bags must be stored off court; at no time may any articles be taken onto the courts and left on the floor adjacent to the playing area that may cause injury through collision with players. Bags must be stored in the seating area on the ground floor.

Bags must not be left where they represent a trip hazard; it is the responsibility of those booking the facility to ensure that all bags are stored so as not to present a hazard to other users of the facility.

17 Users of Rifle Range – Insurance

Users of the range will keep updated their Insurance and will copy the Company in writing of the renewal documentation as and when it is received. It is a condition of use that this rule is strictly adhered to
The Insurance certificate will also be displayed in the clubroom at all times.

The Company retains the right to withhold access to the range and Clubroom in the event that it fails to receive evidence of such insurance or failure to renew.