
Coming soon! Access Control at the Drill Hall

We will soon be implementing Access Control at the Drill Hall following the installation of new doors in readiness.

The key will no longer be required to open the door if you are the first in your group to arrive nor will you have to lock up on exit as the new doors will self-close. This will eliminate issues such as players not locking up when they leave or players taking the key home after they’ve locked up. These two issues alone cause no end of inconvenience for other players and members of the committee and we are very much looking forward to the new entry era.

If you are an online booker it is VITAL that you register on the new booking system with a valid email or you will not receive your unique entry code for your booking and you will not be able to access the hall. NO exceptions.

With Access Control we not only have a safe hall with self-locking doors it will also stop people taking advantage of an open hall and coming in to play without booking. This is unfair to everyone and we are expecting the new Access Control to significantly stop this activity.

Please be patient while we get everything ready…………